Saturday, March 21, 2015

Presenting Math Samples in Different Ways!

When I say the words "math sample," what comes to mind?  I am guessing

Math worksheet

That is a great example, but today I want to look at other ways you can show progress in math by math samples.   Many families ask me how to show progress in math. They might be unschoolers, or families who just participate in more real-life math.  I am hoping this gives everyone a new vision on the words "math sample."

Maybe your student has worked hard on building something.   What about sending me a picture or a copy of the plans they drew up to make it?   Like a garden, a design for a table, or a plan for a fort.  All of these involve math and are excellent work samples.

Maybe you play a math game with your student.

Maybe you use Khan Academy and you could send a screen shot of what you have done this year. Here are some directions to do this.  

Or maybe a math app progress report.

Maybe a picture of your child measuring something, or using a white board to solve problems.  How about a video of them talking about how they solved a math problem.  There are so many options.  You can always email me for more ideas. 

I hope this gets you started!

photo credit: Small bench via photopin (license)

photo credit: Fort Plans via photopin (license)


  1. Great examples! I'm excited to share with you how we've implemented "math" in our home! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you so much. I can't wait to see your math!
    Thanks for commenting.
